
Rohan has been training with Coach Chris at SMA and made huge improvements in his strength and body composition! Here is what he has to say:

“Before starting training at SMA with Coach Chris, I was struggling to get started with my exercise and make progress (and also quadratic equations). I am now taking huge steps to finally get my weight under control and lead a much healthier and longer life. Training at SMA and the work I’m doing with Chris is part of my recovery from weight loss surgery and whole lifestyle change!

I was afraid if I went to the gym that I would look like I didn’t know what I was doing. I was also feeling a lot of embarrassment about my weight. But everyone I met was super excited about the journey I had started on and was super supportive and encouraging.

From training at SMA, I’ve shed loads of weight! In addition to all of the encouragement and support; especially from Chris, it means I’m more comfortable talking about my health and my body with others which can only be a positive thing. I’m still rubbish at quadratic equations though.

If you can’t tell from all the quadratic equations jokes I’m a bit of a nerd. The realisation that I had made long term changes started to make sense for me seeing all of the data starting to build up in the SMA app. I could track actual improvements in the weights I was lifting and the number of reps I was able to get through. Chris and I bonded over our love of science and data and he was always ready with some exciting new statistic he had observed or some great information that helped me understand the why of what we were working on.

If you are on the fence about joining SMA, I encourage you to just jump in! I was terrified about getting started but from my very first meeting with the team I felt like they had taken me under my wing and were giving me the cover I needed to get comfortable and find my feet. I’ve never felt so proud of myself for going so very far out of my comfort zone and that makes me even more motivated to get down to the gym and get in another workout.”