
“I promised myself to invest in my body more this year and my 30s being well underway, I figured there is not a more critical time to keep my body in shape and in peak condition. I tried different fitness regimes like home workouts and frequenting exercise studios and while they served their purpose, I wanted a more tried and tested approach that historically never really appealed to me, going to the gym.

For the past decade or so, I have not been confident in how my body looked and being on the introverted side, placing myself in a room full of physically fit individuals would often feel intimidating and could never inspire confidence in me to remain motivated to train in a gym. I would often sign up for memberships and never really go. SMA’s “no mirrors” approach just spoke to me on an entirely differently level and combine that with highly dedicated and approachable personnel, I felt like I had found the gym for me.

Training at SMA has helped me establish a routine of keeping physical exercise a part of my everyday life and has kept me motivated to do so. Before this happened for me, I always had an excuse to not go (got no time, too tired after work, etc.), but 2 months on, I find myself wanting to wake up at 4:30am just to get a workout in before I start my day.

The one thing that was unique to SMA that I didn’t seem to get anywhere else was the “care factor”, and that came standard with my membership.

Lauren, without prejudice, tailor-made my training program based on what it was I wanted to attain from going to the gym. Training with Lauren has left me wanting to achieve more for myself in terms of being confident with how my body looks and feels, and my general health and well-being.

If you’re someone like me who’s never taken his shirt off when hitting the beach for over 10 years but has never had the confidence to do anything about it, I would recommend training with Lauren and the fine people at SMA to get over that hump, and with their help, set goals for yourself and crush ‘em.”

- Ken Areno

Kirsty Holmes